Is my deposit refundable?

Your $500 deposit is non refundable. However, you are able to transfer your deposit to a different if timing does not work out or we do not have a puppy available in the gender you requested.

Do you ship puppies?

We do not ship our puppies. This is a very scary experience for a puppy as the cargo area is not climate controlled and is next to the very loud engines of the plane. They are already so stressed leaving everything they have ever known, we don’t want our puppies to experience that and we think you’ll appreciate a puppy who isn’t scared and covered in poop when you meet them for the first time. Therefore, you must make arrangements to pick your puppy up in person.

If you are traveling from out of state, our nearest airport that will allow in cabin pets, Grand Forks International Airport (GFK), is a 2 1/2 hour drive from us. We would love for you to experience Gotcha Day at our home, but we understand your time is limited. We do offer courier service for $250, to meet at this airport – please ask about this if you are interested in this service.

Do you pick out my puppy for me?

Unless you request that we select the puppy for you, you will select your puppy the week the puppies turn 6 weeks old. We keep you updated weekly on the development of the puppies’ personalities as well as frequent updates on our social media with pictures and video.

What are you feeding the puppies?

Our puppies are fed Purina Pro Plan Large Breed Puppy Food. We send you home with food for the first day. Because of the big change your puppy is going through, we do recommend you keep your puppy on it for the first couple months while puppy is adjusting to your home to limit additional stress on his little body.

What do you mean when you say my puppy has been socialized?

Socialization of puppies is different from breeder to breeder. What we mean at Dancing Sky when we say your puppy has been socialized, is that your puppy has had a POSITIVE introduction to adults, children, other dogs and other animals. Your puppy has been handled with careful intention at least 3x a day from their 3rd day of life on. They are born in our house so they are used to the typical noises a family makes such as children playing, vacuum running, watching tv etc. The puppies are introduced to the outdoors around 4 weeks old (weather permitting) and then will come across all the new smells, textures and sounds out there. Your puppy also will have had the opportunity to walk on multiple different surfaces such as carpet, tile, grass, gravel and concrete. All of these things mentioned above, help instill confidence in your puppy since each of these introductions have a positive outcome for them. We also play a socialization playlist for the puppies that includes construction noises, traffic, trains and more. Of course there will be things the puppy hasn’t heard when he leaves us, but we aim to cover as many of them as possible before we hand him off.

If I have questions after I take my puppy home, will you be available?

We have spent 8 weeks with these little guys- OF COURSE we want to know how they are doing and answer any questions you have after you bring them to your home. We have created a special, private online group for our extended family to offer support, answer questions, share tips and of course let you BRAG with adorable pictures of your puppy as it grows. We once were in your shoes bringing a spunky little puppy home and having to figure it out on the fly, so our support is always available to you.

Besides socializing, what do you do with the puppies?

Our goal with our puppies is to empower them and honor their unique, individual personalities! We also want our puppies to be adaptable, versatile and confident. To aid in this goal, beginning on day 3 and through day 16, the puppies undergo Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS). This stimulation has proven to improve cardiovascular performance, puppies have stronger heart beats, stronger adrenal glands, more tolerance to stress and greater resistance to disease. We also practice Early Scent Introduction (ESI) from day 3 through 16, where your puppy is introduced to a new smell daily. This has been proven to improve a dog’s scenting ability when introduced at this early age. In addition, by the time your puppy goes home with you, we have introduced crate training, potty training and begun working on bite inhibition.

What do I need to bring when I pick up my puppy?

We recommend you bring a collar (adjustable up to 14″), leash, water bowl, paper towels, bags for potty cleanup and a small crate/kennel to aid in travel for your little pup. You should spend some time snuggling your puppy on the drive home to introduce your smell to him/her but the crate will give you a little break from a possibly squirmy puppy. We will send you home with a goodie bag that contains a gallon bag of Purina Pro Plan Large Breed Puppy Food, a scented blanket, a favorite toy and a puppy packet that lists the vaccinations your puppy has received, deworming schedule, our daily routine for the puppies and copies of all papers signed.

When can I introduce my puppy to all my friends and extended family?

Your puppy is just going through a MAJOR life change! He is leaving everything he has ever known – his mom and dad, his littermates, his potty spot, his food bowls, his crate, his bed and us! This is a lot of stress on him and it is in his best interest if you take him home and allow him to just adjust to his new home and you. This usually takes about 5 days. We encourage you to take time off from work, to hold visitors at bay and just keep puppy home those first 5 days so he has a solid start and knows who his people are and minimize additional stress.

Will you keep my puppy a little longer if I cannot be there on Gotcha Day?

Yes! We understand you might have something already scheduled that conflicts with Gotcha Day. We will board your puppy for an additional 3 days at no charge; each day after that is $10 a day.

Reserve a Puppy Today!